Efficacy of Augmented Reality in Medical Education
Augmented Reality, Medical Education, TechnologyAbstract
Augmented reality has had a great development in various fields such as education, architecture, marketing, and tourism. However, there is another field in which it can be really useful, so much so that it can save lives: medicine. In this article, there is a detailed explanation of how augmented reality proved itself effective in medical education. The hospitals and health centers increasingly have more modern equipment that allows accurate diagnoses and effective treatments put up. This is the case of advances such as X-rays, magnetic resonances, ultrasound treatments, or computed tomography, among many others. The uses of augmented reality in medicine are very varied, although it is still a technology in an early stage of development. It is very likely that, in a short time, the applications of AR in the health sector will multiply. Moreover, it might be used in severe rather than typical or random criteria.
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