Navigating Global Pandemic Impact: Insights from Bangladesh's Health Sector Challenges and Mitigation Strategies


  • Shohana Siddique Department of Business Administration, Fareast International University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH
  • Shati Sarmin Rahman Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Fareast International University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH


COVID-19, Medicine, Pandemic, Public Health, Healthcare


The global impact of COVID-19 on the world economy, societal systems, and healthcare has been profound. Developing countries, particularly Bangladesh, faced severe consequences, exacerbating humanitarian challenges. This article examines the disparities in national responses during the early stages of the pandemic, emphasizing the diverse influence on local and regional levels. Marginalized groups, especially those in poverty, bore the brunt of the crisis. Governmental levels grappled with extreme uncertainty. Employing secondary data analysis and a descriptive research design, the study delves into the regional effects of the COVID-19 crisis with a specific focus on Bangladesh's health sector. The primary goal is highlighting pandemic difficulties and proposing mitigation strategies, offering valuable insights for crisis management and public policy.


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Siddique, S., & Rahman, S. S. (2022). Navigating Global Pandemic Impact: Insights from Bangladesh’s Health Sector Challenges and Mitigation Strategies. Malaysian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(2), 51-58.